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Get in touch with Ridgeline Counseling in Pocatello Idaho

Located in Pocatello, or anywhere in Idaho for Online Therapy

My counseling office is located in Pocatello Idaho in the Center 151 Building:


151 N 3rd Ave

Suite 202B

Pocatello, ID 83201


Phone: (208) 479-7864

Fax: (208) 656-7344


Not sure what type of counseling you need?
Fill out the form for a free consultation

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Welcome to the Ridgeline Counseling Office

Counseling Pocatello Idaho requires a safe place where people can come to feel heard as they talk about depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, marriage counseling, and couples counseling.

As a mental health counselor in Pocatello Idaho, I work hard to provide you with the best therapy in Pocatello, and the best therapy in East Idaho. When I meet in person with people at my counseling office, I do my best to provide an environment that is welcoming and therapeutic. 


My Pocatello counseling office is located at 151 N 3rd Ave Suite 202B Pocatello, Idaho 83201. My therapy office is on the second floor of the Center 151 building. Take the elevator to the second floor where you will first see a law office. Go through the door to the right of the law office, at which point you will see my sign "Ridgeline Counseling" with an arrow directing you where to go from there. 

Office of Ridgeline Counseling in Pocatello Idaho

Best Counseling in Pocatello Idaho

I know you're tired of living this way. You are ready for help. You deserve the best counseling in Pocatello.

A good counselor can make all the difference in your healing process. I started Ridgeline Counseling with the goal to provide the best counseling in Pocatello Idaho because you deserve it. As a counselor in Pocatello, I recognize the unique challenges you face and am trained to provide you the best counseling available. 


Whether you need depression counseling, anxiety therapy, bipolar disorder counseling, borderline personality disorder counseling, marriage and couples counseling, trauma therapy, or PTSD treatment; at Ridgeline Counseling I can provide you with the best therapy in Pocatello Idaho.

Best Counseling in Pocatello Idaho
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